Scopus Technology Home Page

Welcome to Scopus Technology, the company that helps you stay close to your customers.

Scopus software solutions enable you to gather and maintain a comprehensive knowledgebase of up-to-the-minute customer information by tracking and managing customer questions and problems. Scopus software puts this valuable information at your employee's fingertips, so they can provide fast and effective response when customers call. The result...your organization maintains an extraordinarily high level of customer satisfaction, faster response times and improved quality, giving you a strong competitive edge. And that means more revenue and higher profits.

You can use the knowledgebase in a variety of ways:

Customer support
Allow your employees to tap into this data online, empowering them to resolve customer problems quickly and effectively.
Help Desk support
Use problem and resolution information to enhance support of internal customers or employees.
Defect tracking
Incorporate customer input into your product design process to ensure that your products meet real customer needs.
Sales and marketing
Focus your sales and marketing activities to realize the highest return on your marketing and sales dollars.
Scopus also provides a variety of consulting, training, maintenance, and support services to help you get even more from our products. Scopus Technology is the leading provider of software solutions for collecting and managing customer information. The company has licensed its products to over 170 companies worldwide, including Andersen Consulting, Autodesk, Boeing, Compuserve, Intuit, Kmart, Netscape Communications, Octel, Olivetti, Sequent Computers, Stream International, Sun Microsystems, U.S. Robotics, and VISA International. Get to know us better...and see how WE can help YOU get to know your customers better.

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